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Functional responses of the wolf spider, Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberg et Strand) attacking the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål.), and the mirid predator Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter were both those of Holling Type II. The attack rate was higher and handling time lower for C. lividipennis. However, when caged with the two prey, the wolf spider showed a significant preference for N. lugens at a lower prey proportion. Proportions of prey attacked were significantly different from the expected ratios of prey available as well as from the predicted preferences derived from the functional response parameters. As proportions of N. lugens attacked changed from greater to less than expected as the proportions of N. lugens available increased, a “reverse switch” behaviour seems to be evident.  相似文献   
【目的】PI3K信号通路在生物体中发挥重要功能,涉及糖和脂质的代谢、细胞和组织生长以及生物个体寿命等。本研究旨在探明该通路中磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(PI3K)在褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens中的功能。【方法】根据转录组提供的PI3K p85α核心序列信息,应用c DNA末端快速克隆的技术(RACE)获得了编码PI3K p85α的基因Nl PIK3R1的全长c DNA(Gen Bank登录号为KP635379),并应用荧光定量PCR和通过给成虫喂食ds Nl PIK3R1对Nl PIK3R1进行RNA干扰(RNAi)分别对该基因的表达规律和功能进行了研究。【结果】荧光定量PCR测定结果表明,Nl PIK3R1在褐飞虱若虫和雄成虫中表达量均较低,但在怀卵雌成虫中大量表达。RNAi结果表明,给褐飞虱成虫喂食0.1和0.5μg/μL ds Nl PIK3R1均导致Nl PIK3R1的表达明显受到抑制,高浓度组的抑制效果尤为明显。喂食ds Nl PIK3R1对褐飞虱成虫具有极显著致死效果,高浓度组的褐飞虱成虫在饲喂第7天时存活率仅为37.5%,相比于空白对照组(87.00%)和ds GFP对照组(76.67%)均达到了极显著差异(P0.01)。对Nl PIK3R1的RNAi导致褐飞虱成虫羽化率下降和体重变轻。【结论】本研究结果显示,Nl PIK3R1基因对褐飞虱的生存、生长和发育具有重要作用,可以作为防治褐飞虱的潜在靶标。  相似文献   
The effects of elevated CO2 (750 vs. 375μl/l) on population abundances and metabolism enzyme of AChE and protective enzymes of SOD, POD and CAT in brown planthoppers (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens, and on size and abundances of yeast‐like endosymbiotes (YLES) were studied as BPH fed Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) rice expressing pure Cry1Ab after successively two generations in open‐top chambers. The results indicated that: (1) Brachypterous and macropterous subpopulations and total population increased with elevated CO2. Significant increases were found as BPH fed non‐transgenic rice while only significant increase as macropterous‐BPH fed Bt rice. (2) The responses of brachypterous and macropterous‐BPH to Bt rice were different. Brachypterous‐subpopulation significantly decreased (13.6%) while macropterous ones significantly increased (43.8%) as fed Bt rice relative to non‐transgenic rice at elevated CO2. (3) Elevated CO2 only significantly inhibited AChE activity as brachypterous‐BPH fed non‐transgenic rice. Significant increases in POD and SOD, and significant decrease in CAT were found as brachypterous‐BPH fed Bt rice, while significant increases in CAT and significant decrease in POD were also observed as fed non‐transgenic rice in elevated CO2 relative to ambient CO2. (4) Bt rice significantly inhibited POD and SOD activity at ambient CO2, while only significantly enhanced SOD activity at elevated CO2. (5) Elevated CO2 significantly decreased YLES per mg/head of brachypterous‐BPH females while only significantly decreased YLES per mg/head as brachypterous‐BPH males fed Bt rice. And there were significant differences in YLES width or length between females and males. Elevated CO2 can markedly affect the symbiosis relationship between YLES and BPH through the bottom‐up forcing on BPH physiological metabolism. And the damage inflicted by BPH on rice, irrespective of the presence of insecticidal genes, is predicted to be higher at elevated CO2. Furthermore, transgenic Bt rice can also exacerbate emigrating‐macropterous‐BPH occurring especially at elevated CO2.  相似文献   
褐飞虱共生解脂假丝酵母抗吡虫啉菌株的驯化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为进一步研究共生菌在褐飞虱对吡虫啉产生抗性中的生理生化机制,在稻田杀虫剂对褐飞虱共生解脂假丝酵母生长影响的基础上,选用不同吡虫啉浓度进行抗药性菌株的驯化。结果表明,褐飞虱共生解脂假丝酵母在不同吡虫啉浓度(2 000、1 000和500 mg/L)的固体培养基上继代培养,经过20代后2 000 mg/L培养基上的共生菌菌落数量,与未加吡虫啉的培养基上的菌落数量差异不明显,并且连续3代稳定后定为抗2 000 mg/L吡虫啉的共生菌菌株。在光镜下比较不同抗感吡虫啉菌株假菌丝的形态变化,发现抗吡虫啉菌株的假菌丝出现畸形,而且假丝变短,部分出现了膨大。  相似文献   
为了确定石菖蒲(Acorus gramineus Soland)提取物对褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens St1的活性及使用浓度,研究了石菖蒲提取物对褐飞虱的触杀毒力,30%石菖蒲乳油及30%石菖蒲扑虱灵混配乳油对褐飞虱的室内盆栽试验及大田试验防治效果。结果表明,石菖蒲提取物对褐飞虱3龄若虫及长翅型雌成虫处理48h后的LD50分别为0.64和0.95μg/头。室内盆栽试验表明:30%石菖蒲乳油30倍、30%石菖蒲扑虱灵混配乳油50倍施药3d后对褐飞虱3龄若虫的校正死亡率分别为85.56%和96.67%。30%石菖蒲乳油20倍、30%石菖蒲扑虱灵混配乳油300倍,施药7d后,对褐飞虱的田间防治效果分别为78.46%和79.76%。  相似文献   
十六个水稻品种(系)对褐飞虱的抗虫性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过苗期抗性鉴定、田间抗虫性鉴定、稻田节肢动物功能团优势度比较及产量测定的方法来评价16个水稻品种(系)对褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stl)的抗性。结果表明,有12个品种(系)对褐飞虱表现为抗级,2个品系表现为中抗。这14个抗虫-中抗的品种(系)在成株期也表现一定的抗虫性,且与对照TN1之间差异显著。本试验条件下,广占63-3S/华恢15、广两优106、Y58S/华15、广两优476、广占63-4S/华恢15这5个品种(系)不仅抗虫性好,而且产量也较高,分别比TN1和主栽品种扬两优6号高63.49%~66.57%和3.47%~11.57%,具有广泛的开发应用前景。  相似文献   
2010年用稻茎浸渍法监测了我国和越南共14个褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(St(a)l)田间种群对5种杀虫剂的抗性,结果表明:14个褐飞虱田间种群对吡虫啉、噻嗪酮、氟虫腈、吡蚜酮和叶蝉散的LC50值分别在9.5287~46 6716、1.6621~17.8785、0.9818~ 8.4084、0.331...  相似文献   
褐飞虱成虫体内磁性物质检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
解春兰  李志毅  隋贺  潘卫东  陈法军 《昆虫学报》2011,54(10):1189-1193
地磁定向是昆虫远距离迁飞定向的重要机制之一.本研究以褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens长翅型和短翅型成虫为研究对象,利用MPMS-7型号超导量子干涉磁强计(磁场范围为±4.8 mA/m,温度范围为1.9 ~ 400 K)检测虫体内的磁性物质,明确其体内的分布状况.结果表明:褐飞虱长翅型雄成虫整个虫体的温度退磁曲...  相似文献   
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) mediate fast cholinergic synaptic transmission in the insect brain and are targets for neonicotinoid insecticides. Some proteins, other than nAChRs themselves, might play important roles in insect nAChRs function in vivo and in vitro , such as the chaperone, regulator and modulator. Here we report the identification of two nAChR modulators (Nl-lynx1 and Nl-lynx2) in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens . Analysis of amino acid sequences of Nl-lynx1 and Nl-lynx2 reveals that they are two members of the Ly-6/neurotoxin superfamily, with a cysteine-rich consensus signature motif. Nl-lynx1 and Nl-lynx2 only increased agonist-evoked macroscopic currents of hybrid receptors Nlα1/β2 expressed in Xenopus oocytes, but not change the agonist sensitivity and desensitization properties. For example, Nl-lynx1 increased I max of acetylcholine and imidacloprid to 3.56-fold and 1.72-fold of that of Nlα1/β2 alone, and these folds for Nl-lynx2 were 3.25 and 1.51. When the previously identified Nlα1Y151S mutation was included (Nlα1Y151S/β2), the effects of Nl-lynx1 and Nl-lynx2 on imidacloprid responses, but not acetylcholine response, were different from that in Nlα1/β2. The increased folds in imidacloprid responses by Nl-lynx1 and Nl-lynx2 were much higher in Nlα1Y151S/β2 (3.25-fold and 2.86-fold) than in Nlα1/β2 (1.72-fold and 1.51-fold), which indicated Nl-lynx1 and Nl-lynx2 might also serve as an influencing factor in target-site insensitivity in N. lugens . These findings indicate that nAChRs chaperone, regulator and modulator may be of importance in assessing the likely impact of the target-site mutations such as Y151S upon neonicotinoid insecticide resistance.  相似文献   
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